Sunday, September 30, 2012

Fear of Demons: Eye Floaters and Ghosts

JudgementDo you have fear of demons? Go to bed afraid you will get possessed? Have recurring sleep paralysis? Fear of demons and the Devil is common, especially with horror movies showing the perils of demonic possession. We see the exorcist call out the demon name to confront the evil spirit. Eye floaters and perceptual senses apply to fear. Demons and the Devil create fear that horror movies take advantage of to sell movie tickets.

Eye floaters writer Enck Kanaj understands how fear displaces the mind to activate "the peripheral vision and eye floaters" to cause sleep paralysis, lucid dreaming and the out of body experience we see in A Nightmare in Elm Street. For some vast reason, moviegoers enjoy watching scary movies that instill fear in their mind. The mind enters a flight and fight mode.

Insidious is an astral projection/possession movie released last year. The movie deals with several horror sub-genres, including a malevolent ghost and a red-faced demon. These types of movies create fear because you believe that demons can possess you. As an astral traveler, you believe befriending a spirit or entity thus opens the door to demonic possession.

Enck Kanaj writes in a unique style to build connections between eye floaters, the mind, senses, and Ancient Egyptian culture. If you have eye floaters, fear, and feel uneasy, may help you relinquish the fear and develop courage in knowing horror movies are science fiction vehicles to coerce the mind into a traumatic state that horror fans then transfer into pure entertainment.

Lose the fear of demons and the Devil by visiting to read Enck Kanaj's highly intellectual and articulate posts on eye floaters and their relationship with metaphysics, the mind, fear, ghosts, horror movies, the third eye, spirituality, and everything under the sun. Enck's recent post Eye Floaters and Ghost is shown below to give you an idea what to expect:

"Based on forums and questions we thought to write this post. Do eye floaters relate to ghosts? Yes! But Not in that way that you might think. Of course there is a indirect connection. And that connection is fear which may activate the peripheral vision.

Fear is the main emotion that contributes to the development of peripheral vision. Peripheral vision developed as a warning system. For early pre-humans to survive, they needed a system to warn them of predators approaching from behind. For this purpose, peripheral vision works all the time, no matter what we are doing, but we are not aware of it. When you are in a continuous state of fear (hyper-vigilance or alertness due to something you fear or for instance the feeling that some weird being is behind you, chances are that you can develop more peripheral vision (more rod cells vision) and therefore the perception of the eye floaters." read more....

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